New Book Getting Good Press Now, But Won’t Be Available Until Spring 2016

Big love goes to Momentum Magazine for the shout out and recommendation about my latest book, “A Guide To Falling Down In Public: And The Art of Getting Back Up”,images

but to clarify,  you can’t curl up with it this Fall as mentioned in the article. It won’t be out until April 2016. But I will have special collector’s editions signed and personalized at a friends of the cowboy discount for everyone who wants them… and bundle deals with my other books – through this website and FB page beginning Feb. 2016. Stay tuned for preordering info.

Because, we all fall down at some point, but it’s the stories of how we get back up and help each other to our feet with style, humor, grace, compassion, tenacity or just get the fuck back up, that make us heroes and heroines in the time that remains.

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